
Alla inlägg under februari 2014

Av Sandra - 15 februari 2014 10:38

Michael Sam, lovande spelare i amerikansk fotboll, har gått ut med att han är homosexuell. Den 23-årige försvararen, som spås bli tingad av ett NFL-lag i draften i maj, kan därmed bli den första öppet homosexuella spelaren i NFL:s historia.

– Jag förstår hur stort det här är. Ingen har gjort det tidigare och det är nervöst, sade han i en intervju med sportkanalen ESPN i söndags.

Sam vill vara öppen med sin läggning, som redan varit känd för lagkompisar och tränare i laget.

"Vi beundrar Michael Sams ärlighet och mod", skriver ligan i ett pressmeddelande.


Av Sandra - 15 februari 2014 10:26

– Vi förtjänar att uppleva kärlek fullt ut, utan skam och utan kompromisser.

– Jag är trött på att gömma mig och jag är trött på att ljuga genom att inte berätta vem jag är. Jag har lidit i flera år, eftersom jag var rädd för att komma ut.


Av Sandra - 15 februari 2014 00:47



Av Sandra - 14 februari 2014 19:15


Läs mer om Bonnie & Clyde HÄRBonnie och Clyde

Av Sandra - 12 februari 2014 23:36


Av Sandra - 12 februari 2014 23:12

Bjergsen - With my recent success and happiness, I wanted to share...

With my recent success and happiness, I wanted to share with you guys how my life was before LCS, and how much it has changed to this date.

My school life was never very good, my grades were fine, but I had other things that made me want to stay away from there. Ever since about 4th/5th grade I was bullied a lot, it's hard to be the tiny skinny kid in school. You cannot fight back, and you cannot win. I was bullied mostly by my male classmates and my teacher, so I never felt like it would stop. Since the authority was bullying me too, if anything I felt like he was supporting it. My escapes during depression were always video games, it was what I did as soon as I got back from school. It was kind of my dirty little secret, since gaming was frowned upon, and I didn't want to give them more resources to bully me with. I had some rough years, but finally made it to 8th grade, where I would change to a bigger school with a new teacher. Around this time I was really depressed and didn't want to go to school anymore. Yet I felt like the new school could be my new chance at life, also it was mandatory to go, so I never really had a choice. Unfortunately at this school the bullying between my classmates got a lot more physical and it ended up with me hardly ever being in school. After about half a year I dropped out of school due to depression and anxiety. I was in the worst state of my life, I would hardly talk to anyone outside my family. I sat inside my room all day every day playing League of Legends as my escape. It was the only thing that made sense to me, and the only thing i enjoyed. My parents made numerous attempts to get me back to school but it would never last more than a week until I had another breakdown and stopped going. Around this time I started getting good at League and reached really high elo, getting recognition from good players. I started playing online tournaments for tiny amounts of money, but just getting anything from playing was amazing to me. After many teams, I finally ended up in the team that would change my life... Copenhagen Wolves. We went to my first event at dream hack in the winter of 2012. I almost ended up not going because the anxiety was getting to me, but Deficio (who was our manager at the time) eventually, after a long talk with me and my dad, talked me into going, promising that he would watch over me, and help me with anything that I needed. I was an extremely awkward kid who didn't know how to do anything by himself, so having someone like Deficio who could help me out if I ever needed anything really lowered my anxiety level. At dream hack we finished 3rd and qualified for the LCS qualifier, at this time all I really cared about was that we actually won a decent amount of money, because I had no idea what the LCS really was. Unfortunately I was too young to play at the LCS qualifier, so my team had to go without me. At this point my parents were still trying to push me back into school, and I honestly had no expectations of my team qualifying, so I was still in a weird stage of my life not knowing what to do and what would happen next. Somehow my team pulled off an amazingly strong showing and qualified for the LCS, beating out the favorites. I was obviously really happy about that, but still didn't really have a clear idea what it meant to be in the LCS. After my team had lost the first 3 weeks straight, I finally turned 17 and was able to play with my old team. In our first victory I got a pentakill, and all of a sudden I had all this hype around me, but all I really wanted was to stay under the radar. I didn't want the fame, I didn't want to be interviewed. I didn't want people from back home knowing what I was doing, because I had this belief that gaming was frowned upon in society. Riot asked ESL every week to get interviews with me but I always declined, I just didn't want the spotlight. At this point a lot of people starting looking up to me and writing me on various fan pages. I don't want to sound mean, but I thought all my fans were fools. Who would want to be a fan of a nerd, a dropout who was bullied in school. I never really talked to many of the other players in the first split because I was so shy and insecure. I was constantly scared that if I said something wrong they would all bully me, since I was the young, awkward skinny kid. What I soon came to realize was that all the players and staff at ESL/Riot were extremely nice and I had nothing to worry about. Even though I didn't have great success in Season 3 LCS, I grew more as an individual and a person that I have done the remaining 16 years of my life. When I left Europe to join TSM, I was not the shy kid, shaking and stuttering in his first interview on stage. I wasn't the kid who dodged all interviews and ran away from conflict. I wasn't always wearing long shirts because I was insecure about my weight and arms. I was a changed person, and I still am. I have never been as happy as I am right now in life, and I want to thank everyone I've met and that has been in my life the past year. I especially want to thank Deficio.. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today, he opened himself up to me, and I strived to become confident like he was. I wish him all the best luck in the future. I am proud to say that I can share all this information about my past, knowing it would not hurt me if people try to use it against me. I am sorry for any grammar mistakes, I've been writing this on my phone, so it's extremely messy. Sorry for the super long read, I just wanted you guys to know that if you are in a shitty place in life, hold on... Things get better! 

18-årige Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg är en stor stjärna inom e-sport. Med ett proffskontrakt i handen har han lyckats ta revansch. Revansch på de som mobbat honom under flera års tid. 

Det är i ett långt och personligt inlägg på Facebook som Bjerg berättar om hur han blivit mobbad i skolan, och hur spelet League of Legends blev hans tillflykt. 

Slutade gå till skolan

På grund av ångest och depression till följd av att både elever och lärare deltagit i mobbningen som riktats mot stjärnans fysik slutade Bjerg till slut att gå i skolan. 

"Ända sedan fyran, femman har jag varit mobbad mycket. Det är svårt att vara den lilla smala ungen i skolan. Du kan inte slå tillbaka, och du kan inte vinna. Jag mobbades mest av mina manliga klasskamrater och av min lärare, så jag kände aldrig att det skulle sluta", skriver han bland annat i det öppna inlägget.

Spelet hjälpte honom utvecklas som person

När han sedan blev ledande i spelet League of Legends kom kändisskapet. Men det var mer än vad Bjerg klarade av.

"...helt plötsligt hade jag den här hajpen omkring mig, men allt jag ville var att stanna under radarn. Jag ville inte ha kändisskapet, jag ville inte bli intervjuad. Jag ville inte att folk hemma skulle veta vad jag höll på med för jag trodde att e-sport var något man ogillade", skriver han vidare.  

Bjerg menar att spelet LoL, som det förkortas, hjälpt honom utvecklas som person. Han är nu är den nordamerikanska LCS-ligans överlägset största stjärna, skriver Fragbite, och Bjerk tycks lyckligtvis kunnat lämna den hemska tiden bakom sig.

– Jag har aldrig varit så lycklig som jag är just nu, jag vill tacka alla som jag träffat och som varit i mitt liv de senaste åren, skriver stjärnan vidare rapporterar Fragbite. 

Se mer av Bjerg här:



Always in my heart


Välkommen till Sveriges enda blogg om Larry Stylinson!

Jag heter Sandra och är 19 år, jag har ett stort intresse för människor och våra skillnader och likheter. 
Visa min presentation

Sanningen om Larry Stylinson

Larry Stylinson - Är namnet för romansen mellan Louis Tomlinson och Harry Styles från One Direction. One Direction var med i X-Factor 2010 där de kom på tredje plats. Namnet kom från början när flera fans märke att Louis och Harry var närmare än de andra killarna.(Liam,Niall och Zayn) Först var det ett 'bromance' namn, att de bara var jättenära vänner men sedan började vissa av fansen märka att det fanns mer under ytan. Och då splittrades fandomen i två delar de som såg deras kärlek och de som trodde på lögnerna. Larry shippers kallas vi som såg, trodde och stöttade deras kärlek. 


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Catch My Breath 

En fantastisk bok som du behöver läsa om du är ett fan av One Direction så att du lättare ska kunna förstå deras liv.

Veckans Musik

Hjälp till!


Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards